The Central Animal Inn Team

Our team strives to provide the pet owners of Southern Illinois with the same benefits that are typically only found in large metropolitan areas. Our team goes the extra step to ensure that all of our furry guests have the safest environment for their stay.

Our Values

Here at Central Animal Inn we value...

  • Safe & Clean Environments
  • Healthy Pets
  • Comfortable Pets
  • Friendly & Professional Support Staff.

Team Members

Involved in the Community


Able Veteran provides Service Dogs for Injured Veterans and Service Dogs for PTSD Veterans AT NO CHARGE.


Murphysboro Dog Park

The first dog park in Southern Illinois! We are an all volunteer organization & developed the park with donations from our community. Enjoy & Thank You!


Pet Health Fair

Every July the pet health fair is sponsored by various vendors and a chance to vaccinate your pets at a discounted rate.  Baths, nail trims, and products are also discounted.  Free bounce house, face painting, horseback rides, and food!  Stayed tuned for the 2015 date.